Dynamics is awarded at the Valmova´s 2nd Meeting of Suppliers
On March 18th, occurred in Blue Three Towers Hotel in Caxias do Sul (RS), the 2nd Suppliers´ Meeting of Valmova Industries; an event that brought together key leaders of the company and their suppliers. At the meeting, 2014 business prospects were presented and there was a significant exchange of information between participants.
At the end of the event, Dynamics company was awarded by its high commitment to delivery and troubleshooting.
Márcio Manzato, Engineer of Dynamics Processes, received the plaque on behalf of the company and took the opportunity to dedicate the award to all staff directly involved in the manufacture, assembly and management of the spools and valves. "This award is a result of the dedication and commitment of the Dynamics team!" concluded the engineer.
Marketing - Dynamics
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